IAU Madrid


Visit the PROGRAM PAGE for dates, program details and to apply.

Go to the HOST INSTITUTION COURSE CATALOG or WEBSITE for the full list of courses offered on this program.
Course equivalents not found on this list can be included on the Course Pre-Approval Form with a signature approval from the Department Chair.

To get a signature approval, students should contact the Department Chair, providing course title and syllabus of course(s) to review and complete the section on the Course Pre-Approval Form.

ACC/FIN 202 Principles of Financial Accounting ACCT 261 Principles of Accounting II   YES
FIN 300 Financial Management BFIN 320 Principles of Finance   NO
FIN 301 International Finance BFIN 327 International Finance   YES
BUS/MGT 371 Corporate Social Responsiblity BUSN 489 Special Topics - Broadening course OR toward Sustainable Business minor   YES
COM 317 Communication and Gender COMM 485 Communication Abroad   YES
COM 374 Culture, Globalization, and Media COMM 485 Communication Abroad   YES
COM/IR 316 Media and Conflict COMM 485 Communication Abroad   NO
COM 318 Intercultural Communication COMM 485/COMM 418 Communication Abroad or Intercultural/International Communication (need to take both COM 317 & 318 for this option)   YES
ITS 350 Database Systems CPSC 321 Database Management System    YES
ITS 350  Database Systems BMIS 342 Data Analytics for Business    
ITS 371 Operating Systems CPSC 346  Operating Systems   YES
ITS 401 Computer Security CPSC 348 Computer Security   YES
DAN 200 Latin Dance DANC 270 Dance History Fine Arts NO
ECON 301 International Economics and the European Union ECON 311 Global Economic Issues Global Studies NO
LIT/SOC 349 Borders, Memories, Identities: Cultural Representations of Contemporary Migrations in Europe ENGL 466 Topics in Literature Writing Enriched/Global Studies YES
HIS/SOC/FLM 359 Contemporary Spanish History through Film HIST 392 Special Topics - Modern European History Global Studies YES
HIS/POL 336 Political History of Contemporary Spain HIST 392 Special Topics - Modern European History Global Studies YES
HIS 326 Spanish Civilization and Culture HIST 392 Special Topics - Modern European History Global Studies YES
BUS/MGT 318 Organizational Behavior MGMT 350 Principles of Management   YES
BUS 303 Intercultural Management MGMT 355 International Management   YES
MKTG 311 Principles of Marketing MKTG 310 Principles of Marketing   NO
BUS 316 Consumer Behavior MKTG 315 Consumer Behavior   YES
MGT 311 Operations Management OPER 340 Operations Management   YES
PHIL 312 Ethics in Society PHIL 301 Ethics  Ethics NO
PHIL 312 Ethics in Society POLS 336 Selected Texts in Political Thought   YES
POL 336 Political History of Contemporary Spain POLS 356 Area Studies in Politics   YES
BUS 305 Global Marketing PRLS 490 Directed Study: Branding   YES
PSY 330 Cognitive Psychology PSYC 310 Cognition   NO
PSY 332 Cross-Cultural Psychology PSYC 318 Cultural Psychology   NO
PSY 333 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 390  Psychopathology   NO
PSY 335 Social Psychology PSYC 335 Social Psychology   NO
PSY 338 Personality PSYC 340 Personality   NO
PSY 329 Psychology of Gender PSYC 416 Psychology of Gender   NO
PSY 328 Positive Psychology & Happiness PSYC 478 Human Flourishing   NO
PSY 363 Psychology and the Workplace PSYC 380 Industrial-Organizational Psychology    NO
PSY 410  Health Psychology PSYC 396 Health/Pediatric Psychology   NO
REL 311 Early Christianity in Europe RELI 205 History and Teaching of Christianity Christianity and Catholic Traditions, Global Studies YES
REL 301 Problem of God RELI 236 God and Evil Christianity and Catholic Traditions YES
REL 312 The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam  RELI 354 Islamic Civilization World/Comparative, Global Studies YES
SPA 101 Beginning Spanish I SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I   YES
SPA 102 Beginning Spanish II SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II   YES
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I   YES
SPA 201/202 Intermediate Spanish I and II SPAN 201/202 Intermediate Spanish I and II   YES
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II   YES
SPA 301 Advanced Spanish Grammar Composition SPAN 301 or petition for 320 depending upon need Advanced Grammar I    YES
SPA 300 Spanish Conversation SPAN 306 Advanced Conversation   YES
SPA 327 Spanish Civilization and Culture SPAN 340 Spanish Civilization and Culture   YES
SPA 307 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics SPAN 360 Intro to Spanish Linguistics   YES
SPA 312 Linguistic Various in the Spanish Speaking World SPAN 385 Special Topics Abroad Adv Level   YES
SPA 337 Spain & the Americas SPAN 385 Special Topics Abroad Adv Level   YES
SPA 366 Spain as Seen through its Movies SPAN 385 Special Topics Abroad Adv Level   YES
ARH 334 Great Masters of the Prado VART 191 Renaissance - Modern Fine Arts & Global Studies YES